
At Peshta, we adhere to 5S lean manufacturing concept to systematize and organize the workspace for better output and quality. The 5S system is applied company-wide.

5S steps



Each Peshta's employee rigorously sorts the workplace tools with the following in mind:

  • Necessary tools used on an ongoing basis;
  • Necessary tools used rarely;
  • Redundant, unused tools.
The last category is removed.


Set in Order

Peshta's employees arrange tools to meet safety, quality and efficiency requirements. The staff keeps the following in mind:  

  • Tools must be visible;
  • Each tool is easy to take;
  • Each tool is easy to use;
  • Each tool is easy to return to its place.



Peshta's employees monitor workplace cleanliness daily. For this purpose, we:

  1. Divide the space into zones. Draw up diagrams with designated workplaces and equipment;
  2. Build teams with specific zones assigned for cleaning;
  3. Schedule cleaning by morning, lunch and evening hours.



Peshta  has  rules and instructions in place, with detailed action plan for keeping workplaces clean. In addition, we are committed to regular control  improvement.



Each Peshta's employee has a habit of caring for their workplace.
What we do:

  • We monitor equipment and the workplace;
  • We use photos "before" and "after" to capture the result;
  • We conduct audits.

As a result, our customers enjoy:

Less wastage

The proper order on site helps to avoid any ingress of foreign particles in the printing line and on printing plates. Thus, we get less wastage due to print mottle.

Better product quality

Clean printing workplace means no distraction. Our operators are focused on the process, identify tiny print changes faster and respond on time. All this improves product quality.

Increased output

Due to clear layout diagrams of all necessary tools, no time is wasted on search. Thus, printing is faster you enjoy finished printed matter in the shortest possible time.

  • Less wastage

    The proper order on site helps to avoid any ingress of foreign particles in the printing line and on printing plates. Thus, we get less wastage due to print mottle.

  • Better product quality

    Clean printing workplace means no distraction. Our operators are focused on the process, identify tiny print changes faster and respond on time. All this improves product quality.

  • Increased output

    Due to clear layout diagrams of all necessary tools, no time is wasted on search. Thus, printing is faster you enjoy finished printed matter in the shortest possible time.