Moisture-resistant labels are critical for dairy brands. Freezing, fridge storage are all causes of condensation. Our labels are made of materials resistant to moisture and wet rubbing
The government prescribes dairy and ice cream packaging to have special Data Matrix Barcode labels. Make it hassle-free by choosing Data Matrix Code together with the overall label printing. Moreover, we verify code readability as early as during the printing process.
Standing out on the shelf is no small task amidst the traditionally tough competition. Standard printing will not help here. Therefore, we are constantly searching for and testing new design options to make your product ever more lucrative. Opt for cold stamping, holography, phosphorescent additives, metallized inks or any other solutions.
Self-adhesive label is a cheaper alternative to IML. There is no need to purchase an IML robot. Self-adhesive labels are usually applied by special sticker makers, much cheaper than IML technology.
Wrap-around labels are great for dairy filled in PET. Wrap-around labels boost brand awareness no matter which side is exposed on the shelf.
Printing alternate codes, such as Data Matrix, QR and others, has become a necessity in the today's world. Printing alternate codes, we not only ensure legal compliance of your product, but also uncover new opportunities for stats and marketing intelligence.
Wrap-around labels by Peshta
IMLs by Peshta
Alternate code printing by Peshta
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